Sunday, February 2, 2025

Where Are We Today

Park Place RV Park

Quartzsite Arizona

Quartzsite Arizona is a quiet town located at the intersection of I-10 and State Hwy 95 with a population of approximately 2600 people. However, during the winter season, snowbirds from the United States and Canada flock to this desert town and the surrounding desert area, increasing the population to near a 1,000,000 (yes one million) people.

Out side the Show Office

So, you are most likely wondering, what is the attraction? It is known for its rock, mineral and gem shows, gun show, quilt show, camelpalooza, rubber tramp rendezvous, Fall Festival, Buck Connors Western Days, boondocking in the desert and the purpose of this blog, The Quartzsite Sport, Vacation and RV Show held in and around The Big Tent. You will find almost anything, from beds to batteries, anything solar, cook wear, clothes, jewelry, wallets, massage devices, flag poles cleaning products, off road accessories and on and on.  The show which runs for 9 days in the last half of January each year, is held on 17 acres of land owned by the show promoter, at the south west corner of the town. Depending on the number of venders, as to the size of the tent. This year the tent was increased in length by 40 feet, making it 650 feet long by 100 feet wide.
Our Booth, Myself on the left and tommy on the right.

The Radio Control Airplane Club that I belong to here, was offered a 10x10 booth in the tent, free of charge, so we accepted. We thought it would be a great way to promote the club and our Air Show, which takes place on February 15th, this year.  The cost of a booth this size for a vender is $1500, a 10x20 is $3500.
Outside venders

It has been a worthwhile endeavor, attracting interest in the club, hobby, and the Air show. We handed out information sheets on booth the club and the Air Show, also we designed and had made two banners to hang at the show and any other events that we have or attend. I believe we accomplished what we set out to do, but only time will tell if we get any new members and what the attendance at the Air Show will be.
Some inside venders.

Quartzsite, founded in 1867 and Incorporated in 1989, has many activities and amenities with its own police and fire departments. It is rich in history, even a time with Dromedary, Arabian Camels. I have only listed a few facts about the amazing town in the desert, a place where we spend our winters. Google it to learn more.

Thanks for stopping by, hope you have enjoyed your read. Until the next time, take care.



  1. Wow on the cost for a booth! The owner must make out pretty good. And I complain about a $10 Farmer's Market fee. lol Hope everyone made their money back and then some. Enjoyed your post. Thanks and have fun flying.

    1. Yes very expensive. Vendors need to sell a lot of product, and what they sell is also expensive. They must do alright, as they keep coming back each year.
      The owner/ promoter has to rent the tent, hire staff, security company, porta- pots, advertising and preparation of the grounds to name some of their expenses. But, I am sure they make money to keep doing it each year.

  2. It was a great show this year. The prices are pretty crazy, so I hope the vendors made out okay. I hope you have a big crowd at your Air Show. It's amazing to see you guys flying those planes!!

    1. Yes it was.I'm sure they made out alright. I am confident that we will have a good crowd at the Air Show.

  3. Hopefully there will be still lots of folks around when you have the airshow. What a bonus it was to get the tent space for your club.

    1. Yes, very fortunate to have been at the right place and time to be offered the space at the tent. There should be a good crowd at the show.

  4. Glad your favorite hobby was able to be displayed at the Big Tent. Hope it provides more interest in your club.

    1. Thanks Doug, we have seen some new interest the last few days.
