Sunday, December 29, 2024

Year End

Where Are We Today

Park Place RV Park

Quartzsite Arizona

Here we are a couple of days away from the end of year, 2024. As many of us would ask, “where has it gone,” I sit and try and remember all the things that I/we have done this year.

Of course, the first three months of the year were here, in Quartzsite, enjoying the sun, friends, activities and our daily routine.

Night Flying at Quartzsite Desert Flyers

Recovering our dining Chairs

April saw us trekking home and settling in back home on the “Ridge”.

May through to the end of September sees us returning to our parttime/fulltime jobs along with relaxing, enjoying time with family and friends. Pat still enjoys her puzzles and crafts, along with her gardens, while I still carry on enjoying my hobby. Like here in Quartzsite, I have a great group of guys that I fly with at home.

The guys at home

And in no time at all, we are packing up the “Ridge” for winter, planning our trip back here and saying good-bye to family and friends once more.

Our trip down included a stop in Nashville where for 4 days, we took in Lower Broadway, took a trolly tour and visited with family, it was a enjoyable and rememberable experience.


Family in Nashville, great time!

 So here we are, reunited with friends, some who are from back home who make the trek down here each year. This year we have friends from back home who are here for the first time. Duncan and Patty are here right next to us in the park and we are enjoying having them here. We are doing our best to introduce them to many new things and of course to all the friends we have been so fortunate to meet here. Duncan has even taken up flying with me every morning, he has caught on quickly.

Duncan learning to fly

Christmas has come and gone, yes, we had a good one. I have been battling a head cold for the last 5 days, but feel I have turned a corner, feeling like myself again. Thanks to all the commenters on Pat's Blog for the feel better wishes.

As Pat and I often do at Christmas, we buy a gift for ourselves. This year, I bought myself a plane stand from “RC Plane Stands.” Hand made from marine grade plywood by a fellow in Irvine, California. I stained mine with some cherry stain that I have and then coated it with urethane, it turned out great. I am very happy with it. You can check out his site RC Plane Stands.

My new Stand

That brings us to now, hoping your year has been a good one. Even though we all have ups and downs, good times and bad times, highs, and lows, I pray and hope we all come out on the other side.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read, until the next time.

Wishing you all a Very Healthy, Happy New Year




  1. You have a lot of family in Nashville. That's a nice stand and a beautiful plane.

    1. Thank you Elva, the three youngest , live in Nashville. Her parents were there visiting when we were there. Her father is my first cousin.

  2. Hi Bill, Pat, 'Gibbs': Tried to contact you guys several times - no luck! Please send us both your most recent email address! Thanks! Love, Jeff, Joan, 'Aura'
