Labour day weekend finds us in Inverhuron Ontario, it is the gathering of cousins of the Morrice family, my mothers side. My cousin Kelly and her husband Richard are our hosts and open up their property for this event. As many that can make it arrive starting Friday to spend the weekend camping and reuniting. We come from Peterborough, Hamilton, Stratford, London and places in between.
Entering Inverhuron
All setup
As each one arrives we catch up on how we are all doing, what is happened and what our plans are for the future. As families grow and bring new additions for us all to see.
The weekend is filled with many activities, biking, card games, walking the beach and of coarse partying. A good time is had by all.
Myself, Gary and Glen remembering stories from our youth. |
From the youngest to the oldest
Two month old Aiden to Aunt Ruth who turns 80 this month. She is the last one of eight brothers and sisters from where we all come from.
Here I am trying to introduce Clemson ( our anti-social snob of a dog) to Sadie and Jenny.
Sunday was a cloudy day and most of us thought it might be a good day to head home and beat the holiday Monday traffic. By mid afternoon Pat and Clemson and I were on our way. Easy drive home, by 6 pm. We had a great weekend and look forward to next year. Kelly, if you're reading this, please remember to reserve our spot for next year.
Thanks for stopping by, until the next time, take care.
Our 2014 Summer Travels