I said in my last post that I would try and get the next one out sooner then later, so here it is.
We managed to get off work a couple of hours early on Friday so we could get to " The Ridge " before dark. It was a good trip up with only a couple of slow downs on the short stretch of the 401 that we travel. Arriving just before sunset and all set up before dark.
Stratford's Avon River |
Coming into Durham |
All set up and sun setting
Saturday was a beautiful bright, sunny and warm day. Our brother-in law- Gerry, was having a problem with the light connection for his trailer wiring on his truck, I said we would have a look and see if we could get it fixed. It didn't take to long to find the problem and fix it , so it is good as new and can use his trailer again.
Fixing the wiring
With the wiring fixed, Gerry was off home as they had company coming. Pat and I started putting things away for the winter. We had brought a couple of plants from our garden at home to have up here. A Rose of Sharon and a Peony bush. Before Gerry arrived we got the holes dug and the plants planted.
Rose of Sharon
Peony Bush
Even though we were having a big family get together on Sunday, we decided to have our own little Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday night. Fired up the Weber Q and cooked a turkey breast roll along with potatoes. Pat got the rest ready inside and when all was ready we sat down to a great supper.
Table all set |
After supper I lit the camp fire for one last time this year and Donna and Gerry joined for a nice evening together.
Pat |
Clemson and I

Roaring Fire

Donna and Gerry
Sunday turned out to be just as glorious as Saturday. I set out for a walk down the lane and up the road . Thought I would take a few pics of the property from different angle from the road. Here are a few.
No need for captions, I think they speak for themselves. As said before, when we retire next year, this will be our summer place. You have to be here to realize the peace and serenity of it. Sunday afternoon we headed to Gayle and Johns near Chatsworth for the family Thanksgiving. Great afternoon seeing everyone who could make it, even the families from USA. One of the girls from the USA, asked for a pic of everyone. Her teacher didn't believe she was going for thanksgiving in Canada, so wanted proof. :-).

Great pic of the family, yours truly, back row center and Pat front row on the right edge of the picture. Pat's mom two in from the right with the red sweater on. We were on our way before dark. Gerry and Donna had mom with them and followed us back. Mom had not seen " The Ridge " or our trailer, so they stopped to show her before taking her home. Once again a beautiful day for Monday. One of the last things we usually do is go and help Donna and Gerry winterize their trailer. With that done it was time to say good-bye and head home. We were home by three. It is sad to see the end of the season and know what is coming, but we know that next year will be a new beginning in our life style and we are so looking forward to it. Over the next two weeks I will get our trailer ready for winter. We are fortunate that we can keep it in our driveway and keep an eye on it over the winter. With that said, I am coming to a close on this post. Stay tune for the next edition coming soon. Next weekend, Oct.16, 17 &18 is the Toronto fall RV Show and Sale at the International Centre. We will be there on Sat. & Sun. with CanAm RV. If you are in the area, stop by and say hello. Thanks for stopping by, until the next time, take care.
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